Returns Policy
You may return new, unused item(s) within 15 days of delivery for a full refund. If the return is based on our error (we sent incorrect or defective items), we will pay for the return shipping. Otherwise, you will be responsible for return shipping.
Once your items are received in our warehouse and checked in properly, you will receive a refund either back to your account. Please allow 2-3 business days once we have received your return.
Shipping and Shipping Costs
We will choose the appropriate mode of transportation according to the freight standard,DHL/UPS/FEDEX About 4-7days ,EMS about 15days
If a shipment is too heavy and needs to ship on a pallet, it will not give you any shipping options. You can choose the “FOB CHINA “,Please contact us to get a freight quote.
If you need more information about this before you order, please email us.